Lilac : a delicate and subtle colour for your wedding day

Lilac : a delicate and subtle colour for your wedding day

I have chosen lilac today as the colour for a wedding. It is delicate,subtle and elegant just perfect to give your wedding a sweet, romantic touch. With the help of good wedding professionals, these inspiring ideas as well as others you may have, can be used as the starting point and adapted to help you turn your wedding into something unique, beautiful and special.

As always I recommend you pay attention to wedding accessories such as shoes, headdresses and wedding bouquet. They look great in shades of lilac, like this original headdress, and will certainly enhance your wedding dress.

Lilac: a delicate and subtle colour for your wedding day

Lilac: a delicate and subtle colour for your wedding day

Lilac is a lovely colour for your wedding reception and it blends in beautifully with other colours such as greens and pale yellows. In these two photographs they have chosen beautiful flower arrangements for the marquese and chinese paper lamps for the trees. They look great as does the simple and elegant flower arrangements on the tables or the delightful napkins with the menus inside.

Lilac: a delicate and subtle colour for your wedding day

You can also incorporate lilac to your wedding cake.  Look how cute those little birds look !! And for the final touch why not get your guests to write their good wishes for you as a couple, on cut out leaves in shades of lilac and peg them on to branches.

Lilac : a delicate and subtle colour for your wedding day

Photo 1 : Meg Perotti
Photos 2 and 3 : K.Holly Photography ; Jackie Ray Photography
Photos 4, 5 ,6 and 7 : What Shanni Saw ; Ruffled ; Fandl Photography ; Corbin Gurkin
Photos 8, 9 and 10 : She-n-He Photography and Design ; K.Holly Photography ; What Shanni Saw

Images : Once Wed ; Style Me Pretty ; Ruffled




Un comentario en “Lilac : a delicate and subtle colour for your wedding day

  1. 23 de junio de 2012

    The colors and the flowers look so classic and chic. Planning a wedding and everything entailed is really hard and stressful so I applaud the bride for choosing such great things. 

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